3 Principles to Make Agile Software Development Work
3 Principles to Make Agile Software Development Work

Conventionally, Waterfall framework is the go to method for software development for software companies in Dubai where the project is divided into linear sequential phases and each phase is dependent on the deliverables of the previous phase. The disadvantage of Waterfall is that it is difficult for developers, and its rigidity towards change. This is a major concern with technological advancements occurring every other day.

This is where agile methodology comes into play. Agile methodology as the name suggests, is more adaptable to changes in technology, market and user requirements.

This method breaks down the whole process of software development in IT services companies in Dubai, into smaller integrated blocks that the team can plan, test and execute. Agile is also a combination of iterative and incremental process models.

Agile is beneficial to people too, giving them the opportunity for continual improvement, and empowering them to be more productive, creative and more adaptable to change. And people should adopt the following key principles to make the best of Agile in their development work.

Principle 1: Not being afraid to change and to adapt

The key principle behind Agile is to be adaptable to change. It is difficult to let go off a project that you have worked so hard on and sudden changes require you to go back to the drawing board and start all over again. But this is the process of restarting is essential to keep the software relevant to its goals.

With a waterfall model, any change in course of events would require a lot of wastage of time, money and effort. But Agile on the other hand accommodates spaces for contingencies far better, and keeps waste down to a minimum with its modular iterative organization. Don’t squirm and complain. The result will always be better than expected.

Principle 2: Agile is not cumbersome, it’s a new mindset

Allow yourself and your team to study agile in fine detail before introducing it into your software development methodology. Don’t mistake it as a cumbersome set of rules and guidelines. Agile is not a formalized set of conventions and documentation instead approach it as a new mindset.

Adjusting to the switch to Agile is easier when developers in companies working in software development UAE truly understand the underlying principle that lack of a formalized set of procedures and their replacements with unrecorded interactions- is all aimed towards achieving maximum flexibility and a final software product that is suited to meet the required outcomes.

Principle 3: Take your time converting to Agile so that nobody is left behind

Switching over an already mature software operation to Agile can be tricky than starting over with a whole new organization and using it from day one. As this is a completely new set of process everyone should be on board, not just the managers.

If your team has been accustomed to waterfall model and big deliverables on big deadlines are all they know- imposing an agile way of working may be disruptive for them. It might be pressurizing for them with more frequent deliverables and more frequent deadlines. It can even turn out to be disastrous.

So let the change be gradual and you will reap benefits in the long term. The right balance is to make the whole team understand that Agile is the end goal yet be in control of how to make the transition. Empowering developers to transition their mindset means they are most likely to stand by the values of agile and further inspire the team as a whole.


Agile is a unique opportunity to face change in an effective way than using rigid software development methodologies. But it definitely requires effort in changing mindsets and attitudes.