Top 5 Agile Practices to Adopt to Capitalize on Agile’s Potential.
Top 5 Agile Practices to Adopt to Capitalize on Agile’s Potential.

1.      Daily Standup is a quick meeting where the whole team meets, usually in the morning for a quick update. Its duration should not exceed 15minutes and its nature should be fun, light, and informative. It should cover the following

·         What are the latest completed tasks?

·         What are the tasks that should be completed today?

·         Are there any bottlenecks for any of the tasks, if so what are the reasons?

Such meetings make the team members of software companies in Dubai accountable to the other team members by making it mandatory to report the tasks they completed the previous day. It puts a tab on the team member who is not making any progress.

2.      Prioritized Backlogs are ideally a list of every product-related tasks that the team has to complete next, and also everything they can and should focus on (within a time-bound framework) after that. The tasks are listed in the decreasing order of importance. The team members can pick any tasks from this list if they finished their tasks before the current sprint ends. When a new task comes up, it is added to the list in a suitable position so that the team has the clarity of what task to take up next. To reduce the backlogs, many software companies in UAE following these methods.


3.      Short iterations aid teams manage the complexities of the larger projects offered by companies offering Agile Software Development Services  by breaking down the project into small manageable chunks following well-defined pre-approved conditions. Such breaking downs help the teams to assess the progress of the project more correctly. Also, such short iterations enable the team to have regular checkpoints to corroborate their work and ensure that they are adding value to the product and also to the customers. Another benefit of such short iterations is that the teams can easily identify risks early on to the project and figure out ways to eliminate them so that they can be done economically.


4.      Retrospectives are another type of meeting that are usually done at the end of each sprint and which lasts usually for an hour. In these meetings, the teams review their last sprint in retrospectives to understand if their goals were met, and if there are any failings and if so the reasons behind them. The retrospectives help the teams to assess what worked well and what didn’t during custom software development Dubai and to refocus on to areas that need attention.



5.      Iteration Planning is a way of organizing the work and determine a feasible scope for each iteration.  In this meeting, all team members sit together to determine how much of the backlog they can commit to delivering during the next iteration. The work is summarized as a set of committed iteration goals.