6 Stages of Software Development
6 Stages of Software Development

Although the primary burden of expertise is on the Software Development Company Dubai. However, it is essential for every stakeholder to know accurately the phases of development. Where does the development begin? What are the different phase and processes involved in each phase? How do you know if the development is complete or not?

Here are the 6 stages of software development.


The first step to Custom Software Development Dubai is the planning stage. This is where the preliminary idea for the software is formed. Most of the time a Software Companies in UAE are approached to create a new solution to an existing problem.

The planning phase focuses on recognising the problems, collecting the information needed to plan a solution, and assess all the available data. This is a critical part of the problem because effective planning can remove most of the problems at the budding stage.

During the planning phase there are several important things to remember:

This phase is like brainstorming- beginning with all the ideas on hand and cutting down to a more suitable plan of attack by the end of the phase (along with the filtration down the many sub-phases)

As required by any stage of the process, communication is crucial. Particularly, transparent conversations between each stakeholder are important.

During the planning phase, start by collecting hard evidence to make an informed decision on how to move forward. The evidence provides justification to the ideas that you have. Your company can ill afford to waste money on a project that will not produce results that it needs.

The more in-depth your research in this stage, there will be lesser probability for any serious issue that might be concerning. Conduct interviews and surveys to have clarity on the stakeholder and user requirements. A user journey map would come in handy for users to know each step that they have to take in to navigate the software.

System Analysis

System analysis is primarily, a feasibility study to see if your idea is tenable in a business perspective. Most of the work done in this step will provide an outline to the design and development stages later.

A point to be noted is that as you begin the system analysis process, the step 2 is the further elaboration of step 1, which also includes the blueprint of each phase of software development UAE.

A system analysis breaks down the project into smaller chunks of easily definable and manageable tasks and ensures that nothing slips through the cracks.

With so many stakeholders involved, -developers, testers, designers, client-collaborators, project managers, testers, etc. this minute breakdown of the entire project would be useful in the later stages of development.

System Design

The system design stage is the phase where the complete design of the product is developed. Often, the development teams set up systems for future development and coordinate resources during this stage.

At the end of the design process, your software company in Dubai will have an operable plan for the software product, including how the product looks like, how it functions, and how it will be built. As you begin the design stage, always bear in mind that this stage speaks volumes. This is the phase where the designers and coders develop the UI/UX of the software product. System analysts will also support the design process to ensure seamless user functionality.


Coding/Development involves the assembly of the software product. This includes an array of processes, including coding, prepping infrastructure, and creating documentation on how the system works. Developers may collaborate with designers to make sure that their work is in conjunction with the design. If there is any issue, the development team may collaborate with the design team to work out a solution.

Point to be noted:

With the wireframe software well defined, the coders are free to delve deep into the intricacies.

This is the lions’ share of the project, where the core of the software is developed i.e., this is where the ideas defined in the initial three steps comes to fruition.

Coding tasks are assigned as delegated by the scope of work established during steps 1 and 2 in a process called “task assignment”. This essentially ensures that all programmers have a clear idea of the areas of code under their responsibility, to maximise efficiency.


When a significant amount of work is completed, it may be pushed to the testing phase. All the parts of the software are rigorously tested before the release. The QA team employs various tools like automated testers, to swiftly try scenarios so that they can single out issues in the software.

Point to be Noted

In the agile development model software code are pushed for testing as soon as they are completed and are thoroughly tested for errors. These enables to detect bugs early on and are repaired before the user experiences them. Once the code has passed every quality test, software is implemented.

Launch and Support

After the product is launched, the support teams of designer and developers work in consonance with each other to support the customers. This contains aggregating data on bugs, as well as know exactly what goes in the mind of the users.

Another point to be notes during this stage is that this is the final stage of the software product development cycle. Here software is opened up to a beta phase which involves real use by the clients and will require necessary adaptation.

In the event of an error, it would be reported to the quality assurance team who would work in collaboration with the programmers to fix it.