Challenges in Enterprise Application Development in 2020
Challenges in Enterprise Application Development in 2020

With the corona crisis, the world had to switch to remote work overnight. Most businesses had to fall back on their enterprise mobile application infrastructure leveraging mobile technologies to survive the crisis.

Enterprise mobile application development and integration during pre-corona times helped departments to work cohesively, automating and speeding up communications and bringing everyone together as a team.

Widespread adoption of work-from-home technologies has opened new opportunities as well as challenges for mobile application development companies in UAE

Here are a few trends to follow as well as tips to make your enterprise application development more efficient and successful.

1. Cyber Security

Working from home has opened multiple frontiers for cyber-attacks. There are multiple challenges like unsecured data transfer, usage of unsecured mobile /cloud applications to get things done by bypassing enterprise control, high risk-taking behaviours are all challenges thrown.

Hence it is necessary to ensure security within the application. Moreover, the enterprise needs to ensure to secure their work from -home systems and test and scale VPN and other event-response tools.

2. Data Accessibility

Data availability as well as accessibility while working from home becomes important to make critical decisions. Providing accessibility along with data security is another important challenge for enterprise application development. Multifactor authentication, integrated data backup and centralized management should be the focus areas while addressing data accessibility challenges.

3. Seamless Operations

To offer seamless performance for teams operating at different locations and time zones proper knowledge and planning of business operations is a must. Your enterprise mobile app development company need to build your application with a robust and complex backend and a user-friendly front end that allows collaboration, information sharing and simple to implement, integrate, and support. You should also keep in mind the tech-savviness of all users might not be the same.