Important Questions to Ask Before Building a Mobile App.
Important Questions to Ask Before Building a Mobile App.

So it is a time of great opportunities for companies providing IT support services in UAE such as mobile app development for a range of business clients. One of the biggest challenges faced by these companies are getting the mobile app project properly scoped. To help we have pulled up a list of 5 questions to be answered by clients as well as the service provider.


1.      Can You Provide a Summary of the Mobile App in a Couple of Sentences?


This isn’t to fumble the customer out, it is really to understand how much their understanding of the essence of the app is. For instance, do they intend to use app analytics to send targeted push notifications?  The clearer the understanding, the more confident you can be that they will be precise and focused about the requirements, who is its intended users, how will they use it etc. Also this is an opportunity to explain to them how you can use crash reporting and API end point monitoring to keep the app running smoothly.

2.      Who Are The Target Users?


Which touch point issue is your app trying to solve for them? Is a mobile app an ideal solution to their problems? Could a mobile responsive website be a good alternative, or is there a better way of solving the issue.


Which are the device or platforms do you intend to use, so that the demographic differences between Android and iOS platforms that need to be evaluated. This is also an opportunity to explain App store optimization by your IT company in Dubai.


3.        What’s the Real Deadline?


Is it associated to any other activity such as a big product launch or a seasonal campaign? With these information in mind you can easily work out the possible timeline.

Set the expectation early on what is possible what is not, in the timeline that you have been provided by working back through App Store submission, multi-platform testing, development, and creative, ideation etc.

4.      What are the Risks Involved in the Mobile App Development?

Detail the outside dependencies that could impact the timescales? Addressing this out in the open will save you a lot of issues further down the line. Having a risk register as part of the project launch and being disciplined to keep this updated regularly is a good idea, even for a simple app. Also ensure that for each risk there are actions and owners assigned responsibilities for managing down the risk of this affecting a successful app delivery.

5.      How Is It Going To Be Hosted? 

Is there any prevailing infrastructure to pair with or do you intend to outsource the service to any other web hosting companies in UAE ? What are the security protocols being used?  Are there any upstream microservices that may be ideal for the app? Is there a mobile responsive web application that will work hand in hand with the app and have to share user data? Are there any other service providers that the app needs to integrate with such as Salesforce or Share Point? How do you intend to manage the user generated content and what is the anticipated upload/download shape of that content?