Five Common Reasons why Organisations Are Turning To Cloud Computing Services
Five Common Reasons why Organisations Are Turning To Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing is the access to computing services-including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and intelligence via the internet to offer rapid innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. Cloud services employ a pay as you use model thereby helping to reduce costs, efficient resource utilization and scalability.

Here are five reasons for why organisations should turn to cloud.

  1. Reduced IT costs: Using enterprise cloud computing solutions will considerably bring down the management and maintenance cost of your IT systems. In place of purchasing expensive and exclusive systems for your business, you can reduce costs by using the resources of your cloud computing service provider. Besides cloud services use the pay as you use principle. Hence you need to use only the essential resources only as and when required and pay only for what you have used. Moreover the cost of system upgrades, new hardware and software can be accessed without any additional costs.
  2. Speed: Most cloud computing technologies are self and on-demand services, so even copious amounts of computing services can be accessed within a short time span generally with just a few mouse clicks, providing businesses with a lot of flexibility and taking the pressure off capacity building.   
  3. Scalability: The advantage of cloud computing services include the ability to scale elastically. Your business can scale up or down the operation and storage requirements swiftly as the situations requires, allowing flexibility. Moreover you need not purchase or install expensive upgrades yourself because these are the job of the cloud service provider. Using cloud frees up your valuable time and you can use your resources judiciously.  
  4. Productivity and Flexibility: The collaborative feature of enterprise application services using cloud technologies gives your team members to effectively communicate and share more easily outside the conventional methods. If your team works at different locations (which is common these days) you could use cloud computing services for your employees, contractors and third parties access to same files there by improving productivity and efficiency.
  5. Security and Reliability:  Another major advantage of cloud computing is the reliability and security it provides. Many cloud providers follow a set of security policies and technologies to provide protection to your data and infrastructure from potential threats. Even at the time of any disaster the data is safe because the data is mirrored at multiple redundant sites on the cloud provider’s network.

Apart from the above benefits for switching to cloud if you are still pondering over your shift from cloud it would be better to approach a company providing business technology advisory services for help. They could effectively set aside time to evaluate whether the move to cloud is right for your business, both at strategic and operational level