Big Benefits of Using LAMP Stack for Your Enterprise Needs
Big Benefits of Using LAMP Stack for Your Enterprise Needs

Enterprises world over relies heavily on enterprise applications developed by enterprise application management services companies for their daily tasks, marketing, employee management and IR. Majority of these companies adopt LAMP stack to build robust applications at economical prices.   

What is LAMP Stack? 

LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP (Perl/ Python). It is a web service stack comprising four open source components the Linux operating system, the Apache HTTP web Server, the MySQL relational database management system (RDBMS), and the PHP programming language. PHP and Perl programming language is often used interchangeably. 

Benefits of Using LAMP Development Stack

The major benefit of using LAMP development stack is that you avoid paying massive license fee because of its open source origins. Moreover, you can use these technologies-separately or as a stack- to handle your various enterprise needs.  

Here are some of the big benefits LAMP development services has to offer.

  1. Scalability: Applications developed using LAMP stack can be scaled up based on the varying demands of your enterprise.
  2. Customizable: Each enterprise has unique requirements. With LAMP software development in UAE your application can be customized based on varying demands in a speedy manner. 
  3. Platform Independent: Applications support different operating systems including Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS. 
  4. Speedy Development: With readily available open source libraries and framework development time and thereby costs can be brought down considerably.
  5. Security: With regular updates, robust architecture and encryption, LAMP offers major security for enterprise applications.