Common SDLC Pitfalls and their Solutions
Common SDLC Pitfalls and their Solutions

Productively pulling off a project can be challenging when you try to manage the tricky software development. Pitfalls may pop up unexpectedly, so it calls for a complete understanding of the common problems that can occur in the software development life cycle. Getting a grip on these weak points can benefit your management practices and streamline any forthcoming software development events. Moreover, a problem-free project means lower expenses, a superior product, and fewer worries for the project team.


Planning Timeframes


A carefully planned timetable is one of the bedrocks of a fruitful software development company in UAE. Leveling the path for the development team necessitates smart prioritization, clear values, and a knack to forecast the true effect of team activities.


While scheduling SDLC timeframes, make an in-depth task list. You can discover templates that will aid you to organize even the small activities desired to bring to the achievement of a large goal. Writing down the whole steps involved to meet a target confirms that fewer steps get unnoticed. Furthermore, if a deadline begins to creep up on you, a meticulous task list will comfort you redefine the scope, and fine-tune the schedule if needed.


Failing To Get Ahead of Glitches


To get ahead of the problems, project managers of software development companies in UAE can opt for risk management as a better strategy. Risk management can be executed through a work flowchart, which is then checked against resources and module dependencies. Once recognized, you can strategize around these possible glitches – broadening lead-ups, prioritizing definite pathways, and freeing up resources. 


Failing To Allocate Tasks Appropriately

Software development in UAE is a competitive arena, and everyone wants to complete their projects fast. This ‘fast’ action may cause failure to allocate the tasks suitably. It is better to organize and create a convincing schedule in which responsibilities are sensibly allocated. For instance, if you are in the coding phase, let the software developers see what tasks they will get through the API and the outcomes you suppose to view in their code.